Are you looking for things to keep your sex life bright, spicy and kinky? Then learn our 4 favorite fun sex games to play with your sexual partner. Just a fast warning though: Don’t feel like you ought to try all of them with your boyfriend. You don’t. Only try the one that make you feel comfortable. You have half a minute This first fun game is called ‘You have half a minute’ while you’re going to be giving each other a time limit of only 30 seconds to arouse each other and get each other off. Before you start the game, you need to have an egg timer as it makes rather loud buzzing noise when it’s time. In case you don’t have one, a stopwatch on your cell phone will be okay. Set the timer to 30 seconds and let the game begin! Your sexual partner will now have just half a minute to try and give you as much satisfaction as possible. Usually this isn’t enough though…which turns out to become a nice thing as it’s now your turn. You have only half a minute to try and give your guy as much pleasure as possible and make him reach an orgasm. There is the rule for the person getting the pleasure: you aren’t allowed to do anything at all except sitting back and enjoying it. You are especially not permitted to give any directions or tell your sexual partner what you like and don’t like. It’s up to them to find out it themselves. You’ll discover that you will both need multiply half a minute sessions to make each other orgasm. Lots of couples frequently report they get rather competitive when playing, trying to win, by getting their partner off first. It’s up to you to add to the fun the prizes for the winner (the partner who orgasms later) and even forfits for the loser. Hot & Cold ‘Hot & Cold’ is a more simple game to play, but that doesn’t mean it’s less of a fun sex game to play with your sexual partner. You need to arrange a few foods that are either warm or cold. For example, an ice cream, champagne and sorbet for the cold and melted chocolate, warm syrup and heated honey for the warm. Keep in mind that the warm foods don’t have to be hotter than your guy, otherwise you may accidentally burn him. By the way, ‘Hot & Cold’ is a sex game that is better to play after dinner. Then you need to bring your boyfriend somewhere private, take off his pants and then blindfold him. Now you tell him that you want to give him a blowjob, but not the usual one. Tell your man that you’d like some dessert and have a few things prepared. If he asks what, then just say that it is a surprise and is going to be pleasant. Then take a little scoop of ice cream in your mouth and begin to very slowly give your guy a blowjob. Starting slowly is crucial if you don’t want your sexual partner get shocked. You can keep on giving him oral sex, while slowly eating more and more of the ice cream/champagne/sorbet of his penis. Next, you can switch to something quite different like some warm honey. The change should surprise your guy, but more importantly it will make for an absolutely different texture. The only inconvenience when playing ‘Hot & Cold’ game is that your boyfriend will often come before you have a possibility to try all the foods on him. That’s why we recommend using no more than 4 different foods. Slippery Sex This game is a certainly fun sex game to play with your boyfriend. There is something hot, arousing and horny about having sex when you’re both hot and sliding all over each other. It feels more naughty and primal. For some, the best way to achieve this is by making love in a sauna or steam room. But that isn’t a chance for everybody. And what is more, you cannot actually lie down when you’re in a steam room or sauna. A great way to replicate the sweaty fun of a sauna or steam room while enjoying the comfort your bed is to apply a natural oil and cover both yourself and your sexual partner from neck to toe in it. Also keep in mind that heat in your bedroom is turned up rather high too, so that both of you are sweating much. Getting the experience of your bodies sliding over each other during intercourse is incredibly hot and can make for some really animalistic, passionate sex. In a way, this isn’t much a fun sex game, but more of an incredibly way to have hot sex. ‘Try not to have’ game It’s one of the hottest sex games we heard of. It sounds a bit strange when you first hear it and it’s really counterintuitive, but the fact is that it’s extra powerful at building sexual arousal and making you want to tear each others’ clothes off. To start the game, you aren’t permitted to have sex…but that isn’t in fact a ton of fun. The way to make it fun is to try and entice your boyfriend into initiating intercourse with you, while he is doing the same thing to you. You lose if you give in and actually initiate sex. You win if you hold out the longest. This sex game seems dull and stupid when you hear of it for the first time, but once you see how great it is in building sexual tension, arousal and anticipation then you’ll realize just how much fun it is to play. A perfect way to make it even more interesting is to each add $10 to a jar for every day that you play it. If you win you get to spend all this cash on an activity for both of you. 

4 Fun & Kinky Sex Games For Hot Sex

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