It turns out you can be overloaded with a good thing! Recently we’ve come across the article published by Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD and sharing thoughts about whether porn is innocent pastime or an international problem. If to believe a recent Extreme Tech report, about one third of all Internet traffic involves browsers entering porn web sites. With the biggest and most famous adult porn website getting 4.4 billion page views every month, couples and single people are spending too much time in the world of XXX. If to add the fact that an ordinary news site has an average visit lasting from 3 to 6 minutes, and the average time spent on a porn website is about 15-20 minutes, then there is a question for people to ask: how much porn is too much? No matter how much time is spent on porn activities, singles and couples may indulge in it for a list of the same reasons. Among the more positive explanations are: spicing up someone’s sexual life, stress relief, enhancing masturbation and sharing private moments. There are also the reasons that can become a point of concern including accessing pornography when someone is in a committed, but sexless relationship, or watching porn films while he cannot get intimately involved with another person. Therapists report about the increased amount of clients complaining about porn connected problems. Just think about: one half of the divorce cases in 2002 had porn as a reason. The influence of pornography has been raising more and more concern. Lay people and professionals are eager to know if there is such a thing as too much pornography. And if it is so, then what are the signs of you and your partner to be too much into it? Here is the list of some signs showing that a porn habit becomes a problem:     Anti-social way of life. If you prefer staying alone with porn to being out communicating and meeting other people, then you’ve got a trouble. You may excuse yourself from all kinds of activities or become known for absences for no reason. Even if you really get out with friends, you find yourself busy with the porn the very minute you come back home. Alongside with couple and family obligations, you find yourself planning the ways for your escape as soon as possible.      Inability of being intimate with others. You have to think over porn addiction if you become increasingly aware that pornography is overwhelming you beyond your abilities and desire to cultivate or develop a relationship with other people. If you spend more time watching porn movies than communicating and meeting other people, then you have a problem. In other words, if your porn addiction harms work, family and legal, especially as you’re having more problems accounting for your time, then it’s time to quit porn.      Lying to sexual partner. Once you were honest with your sexual partner, you can now describe your relationship as one defined by lying and secrecy trying to hide your addiction to porn. You are one of the 70% of people who keep their porn use in secret. If someone is asking you about your activities, curiosities, absences or porn watching, you’re trying to say and do anything not to risk losing the major part of your life.      Porn stars are the only turn on for you. When your addiction to imagined characters increases, you face the problem that it’s hard to you to get turned on to real girls, at least beyond thinking of how she’d look like nude or how good she’d look in a sexual intercourse or position. If you’re influenced, you no longer think your sexual partner is sexually attractive. Actually, you consider that there’s something ‘wrong’ about your girlfriend for not looking or acting the same way as a porn star. Do you want some more consequences? You’re trying to avoid or lose interest in having sex with your wife/girlfriend and not nearly as physically passionate as you were in the past.      The increase of self-critics. You’ve become busy with comparing yourself to porn performers. Are you as well cute? Are your boobs as large? Are you, actually, as beefy? You’re comparing yourself with others. Sizing up yourself against imagined characters, you’re making yourself insecure and miserable in the intercourse.      Inability of finding anything outside of porn erotic. If your sexual desire and response can’t be active without watching porn, to the limit that you can even have troubles getting orgasm or attaining erection, you should think over. When you have intercourse, you may be more demanding and rougher, or using poorer language than what was normal for you. Other reasons that made you have feeling ravenous, including emotional closeness and romance; don’t elicit any sort of reaction from you. Upset, you’d rather use porn to lose yourself than work on getting present with and stimulated by your sexual partner or a non-porn factor.      Dissatisfaction with your private life. Your real life seems boring with your expectations about lovers, sex and intimacy now warped. You feel you need more and more stimulation to become sexually aroused and experience any sort of release. You’re busy with watching porn and emotionally close with your sexual partner. Your prime interest is anything that looks like porn and its actors. If you’re glad none of the mentioned above signs of “too much” porn films watching is about you, you need to think of consulting a therapist or counselor in case: -          You feel emotional and psychological distress because of your pornography consumption, whether because it disagrees with your value system or the consequences of its usage made you feel angry, shame, lonely, depressed, irritable and unrest. -          You get involved in risky behaviors like having unsafe sex or participating in illegal activities, like hiring whores. -          You look for porn that’s disturbing, harmful and inappropriate, like involving violence, animals and kids. -          You refuse life’s demands like job. -          You’ve got problems with falling asleep and calming down, with your mood and your interests go far different because of porn films. -          You can’t maintain a healthy relationship while you’re influenced by pornography. -          Watching porn causes troubles in your relationship, like your sexual partner equates porn usage with having sex. Remember, that you cannot put too much weight on any one sign. The whole number of reasons can stand for a sexual disorder explanation. And these reasons can have nothing to do with your porn addiction. So you have to look at the entire thing, including ‘sex perversions’ that people often put on porn addicts. You may not have got a trouble, or be consuming too much adult films, but other persons’ issues with such erotica can impact how you view this kind of erotica, whether as a random indulgence or hobby. ‘Too much’ is quite very personal, with some individuals having no troubles handling such films at all.

7 Reasons Why You Should Think Over Quitting Porn

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