There are a lot of misbeliefs about gay sex among the heterosexual community. But it doesn’t mean you should believe everything you hear about it. Are you curious of how lesbian girls have sex? Or maybe you think all gay guys are promiscuous? No matter straight people or gay, they all have standards considering their private lives. Some of them are evident, and some of them can be surprising for you. So lets try to get acquainted with the world of gay sex and see which gossip is true and which is just fake.  Lesbian girls and gay guys are all promiscuous If queer people enjoy intercourse with a person of the same sex it doesn’t actually mean they are easy, loose and eager to have sex with heterosexual people or even cheat on their sexual partners any more than heterosexual persons cheat on theirs. One of the free web sites with around 1.5 million users provided a study and figured out that gay, lesbian and straight persons on that site have had six sexual partners in common. That discloses the fact that gay guys have sex so much they scarcely have time to get busy with something else in their lives. In fact, gay and straight people are the same about their sexual preferences.  Lesbian girls and gay guys try to seduce straight people for sex First of all, the majority of heterosexual people aren’t that attractive to gays and lesbians. And the majority of lesbian girls say that any straight girlfriend of yours isn’t that much of a turn on either. Lesbians actually like toaster gift joke, and they use it when a girl is coming out or if she is a late bloomer to the lesbian society. That means lesbian girls don’t try to seduce a straight girlfriend or boyfriend of yours. It isn’t true that gay and lesbian people want to convert straight ones to their lifestyle. Gay people don’t choose their orientation, it’s an integral part of their existence, just like someone being straight. Moreover, they enjoy their homosexual life as well as heterosexuals do.  Gay and lesbian persons don’t look for heterosexual people to date. And there’s no surprise. Everything’s simple. It’s a well-known misbelief as clear as that straight individuals want to have sex with anyone who is straight too. Gay and lesbian people have the same problems as heterosexual people have, including finding someone to be attracted to and getting along with well enough to have a long relationship. So why the hell would gays or lesbians force themselves to have sex with someone they aren’t attracted to? Lesbians dream to sleep with your girlfriend while you watch That’s nonsense! Of course, it’s not true! It’s just a kind of heterosexual guy’s fantasy which has nothing in common with the truth. This misbelief gives bi girls a bad rap in the lesbian community. Anyway, this never happens. First of all, a quarter of heterosexual persons with profiles on website that provided a study have had intercourse with someone who is lesbian or gay. That’s quite a lot of straight people who have sex with lesbians and gays.  It occurs that straight girls are way interested in the same sex relations; probably this is the result of the threesome fantasy lots of their boyfriends have. A third part of heterosexual girls said they had a same sex intercourse while 18% reported they would like to get a chance of having sex with a woman. As for men, only 13% of them told they would be interested in a same sex intercourse. So what are we supposed to do with all these suddenly bisexual persons?  Bisexual people have sex with everybody Another lie. Not even close. Usually bi people look for one gender for having a relationship. Thanks again to a study mentioned above. About 36% of bi persons send messages to girls while 41% of them send messages to guys only. So there is only 23% of bisexual who send messages to both girls and guys. So here we have a question: are bisexual people confused about their sexual orientation?  Well, probably yes. The study showed that younger people are more open to any sex, but after they turn 30, they make their choice preferring one gender over the other. The majority of people who say they’re bisexuals are looking for relationships only with one sex not both. For the heterosexual male world, only one in four girls is interested in both women and men at the same time. So a fantasy about threesome is just a fantasy.  So here we have four of the most wide-spread misbeliefs we face regularly on the Internet. Are there any other gay sex misbeliefs out there that need to be disclosed? Who knows...Maybe, this article isn’t the last one about this theme. 

Disclosing 4 Common Gay Sex Misbeliefs

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