Have you ever thought what difference is between straight people, gays and lesbians if to take their food, drink and nightlife habits? Do gay and lesbian people eat and drink the same as what heterosexual people do? Target 10, a marketing company has provided an infographic showing the drinking, eating and nightlife preferences of lesbians and gays, comparing them with those of straight people. Are you ready for some amazing facts? Then they are here for you:  - Lesbian girls much more prefer to drink tequila and wine than straight and gay people. We can forgive them wine, but what’s about tequila? If you’re a lesbian girl, you can explain this for us. -          68% of gay guys are great fans of foreign food, while only 43% of heterosexual men can say the same. It seems straight guys can learn a lot from gay ones. -          Both straight and lesbian girls are twice as likely as both straight and gay guys to search for natural organic foods when shopping. That’s it. Hopefully, we wield a proper influence upon the mankind. -          Tell us, how often did you cook for fun just last year? Gay men are twice as likely as heterosexual guys who have done it. Once again, there are lots of things heterosexual men can learn from gay guys. If to analyze the past few years, it seems that the cooking stigma for heterosexual guys is waning. After all, only 28% of them say they have cooked for fun compared with 57% of gay people. Well, actually it’s not that bad. And we hope, that more pop culture persons like Anthony Bourdain paving the way, will make that gap soon disappear completely.

Facts About Food & Drink Habits of Gays & Lesbians

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