88% of homemade porn, including still pictures and videos, finds its way onto pornography websites, frequently without the owners’ knowledge and permission, a new research has shown. The research analyzed more than 12 thousand sexually explicit pictures uploaded by young persons and discovered that the great part of images had been stolen and published to what Britain’s Internet Watch Foundation, which published the research, calls ‘parasite’ sites. These pornography websites, exclusively devoted to hosting sexual pictures featuring young subjects, allegedly obtain their material from anywhere they can get it: lost or stolen mobile phones, hacked private accounts on Facebook, Flickr or Photobucket, or from chat sites and Tumblr, a blogging platform notorious for the number of explicit self-published content by high school and college-age students. In 2011, the now-defunct IsAnyoneUp.com published thousands of stolen Facebook pictures submitted by jaded ex-lovers or angry mates. Susie Hargreaves, CEO of the Internet Watch Foundation said to the Guardian newspaper in London, they need young persons to understand that once a picture or a video has published online, they may never be able to remove it entirely. Once a photo has been copied on to a pornographic website, it will no longer suffice to simply remove the picture from the Internet content. Director of the UK Safer Internet Center named David Wright supported the research and reiterated a warning to young people not to send sexually explicit messages with the help of the mobile phones or Internet. He told, much of the advice for kids and teenagers is, quite rightly, to not ‘sext. In its report, the IWF characteristics quotes meant to serve as a warning to others to not even make explicit photographs. One quote read, ‘one explicit picture I took when I was young…is coming up on the first page of (untitled search engine)’. ‘Every time I start to feel confident and good about myself…I just keep in mind these images and what I did,’ another quote said. The persons who gave the quotes may be heartened, nevertheless, to learn that they aren’t alone. With camera phones and the opportunity to post power in the palm of our hands, homemade sex pictures are easier to make and share than ever before. They can bet they aren’t alone.

Homemade Porn Images Go To Porn Websites

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