Luther Wagner was known as an aspiring adventurer and writer. He tried to work at different jobs, frequently using a fabricated resume to get them. He’d spent 3 months as a crab fisherman in Alaska, worked as a script writer for a member of the Senate and was a bartender in Buena Aires. Probably one of his most unusual undertakings was to get a job as a valet at an English stately home. His employer, Lord Shenton, was an old aristocrat with quite a strange sense of humor and no sense when it came to dressing. It wasn’t unusual for him to wear a tuxedo jacket with +4 trousers and sneakers. That’s why Luther was hired – to make sure he was properly turned out and wearing clean underwear. Lady Shenton was much younger than her husband, she was like a schoolgirl by comparison. “He met her when she worked as a model doing a fashion shoot in the Manor gardens,” said Mrs. Withens the housekeeper, “She is nice to the servants so I can’t complain – well except for her love of photography.”  “Photography?” “Yes, photography in the nude.” “So she is fond of taking pictures of naked people?” “No, it’s her being nude, she runs around in the nude with her camera snapping this or that – she says it frees her creativity or something.” Luther thought it was fascinating, after all Lady Shenton was pretty, she had great boobs and those long fashion-model legs made him interested about how they looked as they joined together at the top. Soon Luther discovered as the very next day he saw her prancing around the gardens without any clothes on taking multiple shots of Angus the old gardener – who wasn’t too keen to co-operate. Later when he was sorting out Lord Shenton’s clothes she entered the room with camera flashing and a large smile on her face. “Don’t stop doing what you’re doing,” she shouted, “Keep doing it.” Luther tried to focus on his job at hand but with her circling around him and even lying on the floor to get unusual angles it didn’t work. Her nice pointed boobs and hairy pussy could hardly be ignored. Having exhausted at one point she sat on the bed and began to chatter on about photography. “I only take photos in black and white,” she said, “It’s the only true art form, we became so dependant on color today – don’t you think so?” Luther tried to speak to her but it wasn’t easy. She didn’t bother to cross her legs to cover up the most attractive pussy and so he was getting hard in his pants. “Did you ever take photos in the nude?” she asked, as he kept on moving clothes around in the armoire. “No, I never tried that,” he answered. “Well you have to try!” she laughed, “It’s so amusing. Look why don’t you take your clothes off and try? This camera is simple in usage.” “I’m afraid it’s a bad idea especially considering the master may walk in at any moment.” “Oh, Porgie’s used to nudity – he doesn’t mind at all.” “But he perhaps wouldn’t take kindly to the fact that we’d both be nude,” Luther replied, trying to be diplomatic. “Oh, you think he might think you’ve been having sex with me,” she laughed, “That wouldn’t worry him too – he cannot get it up anymore and so he said to me if I find somebody I can have sex with. It’s just I’ve always been short of time – I just prefer photography.” As their conversation had been progressing he hoped that she might be open to a little fuck – now that was starting looking like that. Luther kept on putting the master’s clothes in order while she sat there with a thoughtful look on her face. “I wonder if they can be combined,” she said, standing up and looking artistic. “I’m sorry what?” “I just thought of a very creative thing – I could set the camera on a timer and I could take lots of photos of us having sex – in black and white.” He tried to look as artistic as she did, “It would definitely be worth a try,” he answered. She nodded her head and while she set up the equipment he took off his clothes. “Well,” Lady Shenton said, looking him up and down with a smile on her face, “We need to be careful not to shield anything from the camera or it will spoil the entire effect. I suppose we should begin with me blowing that big hard cock you have.” Tasha, that was her name she wanted her to call, took Luther’s arm and moved him into position. She then looked through the view finder and zeroed in on his throbbing cock before kneeling in front of him and giving him blowjob. As soon as she began to move up and down his dick the camera started to click. It stopped after about ten pictures but she carried on blowing and fondling his balls understanding from his moans that he was about to cum. “Oh my Lord,” Luther cried as he shot his load in her mouth. She kept on gripping of it until he felt he’d spent the lot and then she went quickly back to camera, set it up again and took some close-ups of herself sticking her jizz covered tongue out. “This is going to be great!” she yelled, swallowing hard and going back to make another adjustment, “now I want you to suck my nipples.” As Tasha sat at the bottom of the bed he knelt down and took those hard nipples into his mouth. She sighed with pleasure and ran her fingers through his hair. Once more his cock got hard – ready to fuck her at any moment. Nevertheless, he had to stop while she re-adjusted the camera. Luther found that a bit disappointing. This time Tasha lay back on the bed opened her legs and invited him to eat her hairy pussy. He began to poke his tongue amongst her sweet pink folds. Up until now she’d managed to control herself but as soon as he licked her wet cunt she began to go berserk. “Holy crap,” she yelled as his tongue worked around her clit in circles, “Holy crap!” As he kept on sucking, nibbling and eating her pussy he stretched his arms upwards and played with her boobs. Lady Shenton’s body began to gyrate, perspire and vibrate as she had an orgasm. After that she forgot about the camera and Luther penetrated her licked pussy with his hard cock. Tasha gasped and held on to his forearms as he took it absolutely out and drilled her again, and again, and again. She held onto him tight trying to restrain him from doing it one more time. She wanted to be banged right there and then and she moved her ass up and down to show her desire. Luther started to slip in and out at a steady pace but as he felt his balls tingling and ready to burst with cum again his movements became fast and steamy. Tasha was crying and throwing her arms all over the place as he drove it into her with his balls crashing against her butt. It was Luther’s turn to yell when he felt his goo oozing up his cock and filling up her pussy. She was happy and began to kiss him all over his head and shoulders and tell him how amazing he was. He was satisfied with his performance and sat there with a pleased look on his face until the door opened and Lord Shenton entered the room. She gave him a smile and a cheery wave, “Oh, hi sweetheart – we’ve been having excellent photo session – why don’t you take off your clothes and I can get some photos of you and Luther in the nude fondling each others’ balls or something – I think it would make a controversial piece for my next exhibition.” Luther gave notice that afternoon and went back to Alaska to do some crab fishing – it would be a safer option.

Hot Photo Session In The Nude

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