Porn is connected with something primal and raw. It can either bring out the sexual or erotic needs, or leave a feeling like all those amazing, professional moves you have improved during years aren’t that amazing at all. Girls often watch porn movies nowadays, while it has enough integrated itself in our daily visuals. No matter it is a video on MTV or a movie on Lifetime, porn clips and their influence on our society are everywhere. Women dress in a skimpier way, singers simulate sexual intercourses in their performances, so there isn’t a chance for you to go to a club or a bar without seeing those babes pretending being lesbian and making out with each other for your attention. In Los Angeles that happens every day in a club or a bar, or even in a library, market, store and so on. So here is the question: does porn help or harm your relationships? Porn can influence your relationship in every possible way. It can stand for a teaching material, a mood enhancer, or it can be an initiative breaker, it can seem to be sexy, erotic and fun. But another side of pornography is putting you and your sexual partner in a perpetual condition of fantasy. You can start comparing your sweetheart to the women and men you see in those videos. Sometimes you can even create an attachment to an adult performer and think this is how your lover should behave when you have sex. And what even worse is that the pornography can become addictive. There is the case when now ex-boyfriend had a porn addiction he hid from his partner. He could spend hours sitting in front of the monitor with the door closed, and he chose porn films over having sex with his partner. But here is the thing: she wasn’t upset with him watching porn, but she was upset with the addiction he had. Girls watch porn whatever they say to you. Erotica has been created on the market specifically just for women. Let’s just be honest, the majority of girls don’t want to watch that hardcore, painful feeling films that guys want to watch. The majority of girls prefer the softcore porn. There is nothing bad in watching porn for learning some new moves, enhancing the mood or opening yourself up to trying new experiments. Women do take issue with men who want them to act like adult performers in the bedroom every single time they sleep together. There is a notion of the “proper woman” but “dirty girl”. Thus women should be sexual tigresses, and like to do any and everything sexually without any questions. At the same time girls should be proper ladies in society and never give way to that “dirty girl” inside them in public. Why not enhance the reality instead of pushing a fantasy? There is a chance to speak with your sexual partner honestly about what you want him to do to satisfy yourself in a bedroom. Comparing a girl or a guy to a professional performer doesn’t make them feel wanted. Instead it makes them feel like what they need or want isn’t significant for you. And, what is more, that they aren’t who you really want them to be! When you are in love with somebody and you enjoy your relationship, those emotions open you up in a more intimate way. You are eager to please them and to indulge their fantasies. Some girls are too serious when the speech is about watching porn films and probably need to be eased into feeling comfortable with it. And also there are girls (and guys) who absolutely deny going there. There is a blame attached to watching dirty movies even today. We all have friends who feel their guy is cheating on them by watching those videos, and then there are the freaks that are alone in a dark apartment with it on remote all day long, and give the normal guy a bad reputation. Trying to separate reality from fantasy is a task for lots of couples and girls. There is a thought, that as long as you and your sexual partner can discuss needs, boundaries, desires and experiences together without judgment, then pornography can help (when necessary) your relationship.

How Porn Can Help Your Relationship?

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