I graduated from school at 16, at the time I’d just sold computer programs to a few publishers one of which hired me. Computers were the very thing I was always interested in. I spent much time at work with their projects. So I was short of time for socializing or getting any relationships. I had a reputation of finishing projects on time. That reputation led me a few days before my 19th birthday to a plane for Japan. They had problems with their project and they assigned me to help them.   First Japan looked alien to me with a totally different meals and customs that made no sense to me. My company hired me as an interpreter for a Japanese girl named Chiya. She always dressed like business-lady. But I confess her story isn’t the one I’m going to tell here, there is a story to tell. On my birthday, the people tried to get me to go out and celebrate with them but I declined the idea because I felt uncomfortable. Chiya made the last attempt with a peck on the cheek and are you sure you’d like to be alone thing. By the end of a day I was hungry so I went to a Thai restaurant and walked in sometime after 11 p.m. Kim – the owner of the restaurant – recognized me and treated me like an old friend. It was just past midnight when that girl came in, a little tipsy. Pleased to see Kim, she approached to me. She smoothly slipped into the chair next to me. Her name was Ting which meant ‘graceful’ and she really fit that meaning. So the three of us were eating and communicating to each other. It slowly turned into a two way talking with Kim acting as the translator. She had a vocabulary of a couple dozen of English words, I spoke no Japanese or Thai but somehow it seemed like they were enjoying each other’s company. Ting was charming, both in her appearance and the playful nature of her body language. However her face and eyes told you she was older. It was time to depart for me for the night. Ting invited me with the help of Kim to escort her home. She surprised me as we walked. We’d begun the walk with her arm around my waist but her hand dropped the back pocket of my shorts. She hooked her thumb into the pocket and stretched fingers out across my ass with the tips pushing into my ass. Then she didn’t move her hand. At her apartment building, she invited me to come in with her and so I did. In the elevator I rested against the wall and that Japanese babe pushed her body against mine and kissed me on my jaw line. I lowered my head and we kissed lips to lips so gently and soft. She sucked on my lower lip, then neck and I felt my body was tingling so I let out a soft moan. Ting rubbed up and down the front of my shorts so my body tensed up while my cock was getting hard. When the doors opened we broke apart and she looked at me as if I was her favorite dessert. I on the other hand was a bit shocked and was wondering how this evening was going to end. That Japanese girl took my hand in her arms and pulled me from the elevator down a dimly lit corridor to her apartment. Her apartment was quite long but narrow. The whole apartment was lit by the light from the TV set and two dim bedside lights. Another Japanese girl appeared in a room wearing male boxers and a strap tank that was far too big for her. They talked briefly. What had I involved into? Should I go? Threesome? Those thoughts were running through my brain. The feel of gentle fingers sliding around the back of my neck snapped me out it. Ting kissed me on the lips, her tongue danced around my mouth. I was a bit disappointed when she stopped doing that but then she again directed me to lie down on the bed. Then she slowly took off her silky white blouse and let it flow to the floor. She wore no bra, so I could see her small boobs. Her nipples were hard. She smiled at me. Then Ting unhooked the top of her blue skirt, pushed down the zipper and the skirt drop to the floor. I covered my mouth in surprise and she laughed. This 5’’5’ inch Japanese beauty stood before wearing just a simple white thong and stockings. Till this day my cock stirs at the sight of white stockings. The thong followed the skirt and I sucked in air. Ting flowed to the floor with a grace I’ve never seen since. This beautiful Japanese creature began to crawl towards me, her long black hair falling on my thighs. I had no idea how I’d gotten to be that lucky. Ting licked her lips and smiled as her hands pulled on my shorts and pants. I lifted my thighs to help her and my cock was free – hard, the head glistening with precum. Then she ran her nails up my legs from the base of my feet to the inside of my hips. She grabbed my balls and leaned in and sucked one to her lips and then moved on to the next one. Japanese babe first kissed the wet head and then lapped at the end. My thighs spasmed upwards pushing my cock in her mouth. I moaned, she laughed and then kissed the end to make it all better. Ting began to kiss her way up my tummy, chest, neck and chin. My dick was pushing up onto her, leaving a trail of precum as she did it. Now her eyes were looking into mine, my cock was pressed against her pussy. We kissed and our kisses grew with passion until we were going at it with abandonment. My Japanese lover started rocking her hips, pussy massaging into the base of my dick – covering my balls in her nectar. It was a miracle I didn’t cum yet. Ting ran her hands over my chest, making contact with the tips of her nails. I craved for more. The only contact our bodies had was her warm hands. Ting paused, catching her breath and looking down into my eyes. Her hands moved up off me pulling my nipples. She grabbed my cock with her left hand and slowly lowered herself down on me. Her pussy was tight and warm and the muscles felt like they were sucking me into her. We moaned and sucked air together as she bottomed out on me. “Big” she whispered. Ting began upwards slowly. My dick was soaked and glistening. I wanted to keep it in her pussy. Her pussy muscles contracted around my penis as if trying to hold onto its prize. I reached up and ran my hands up and down her thighs looking to convince myself this wasn’t a dream. With each movement, the pace increased. Soon our efforts made our bodies sweat. There was now a slapping sound each time Ting bottomed out to go with a rasping sound as we both breathed hard. Suddenly she stopped when she bottomed out, she slumped forward, her hands slapping down on my chest trying to keep herself upright. Her body trembling, she moaned loudly and her pussy muscles clamped down hard on my dick. With this increased pressure, my balls and cock throbbed and I was so close. My Japanese girl began to rise up again slowly as if using her last chance. My cock was on fire with incredible pleasure and every nerve ending seemed to be alive. “Oh fuck!” I screamed. To be continued…

Japanese Girl Fucking Virgin Cock. Part I

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