Usually courageous men are not so popular among Japanese girls, they just scare small, petite and fragile Japanese women. Perhaps it is also because there was no war in Japan for a long time, so thin guys with beautiful faces, long hair, who know how to look after themselves are of greater demand. And if a girl under 15 years pays a lot of attention to guy’s appearance, after 16 her ideas about the ideal guy change. They say that young Japanese women want to meet with those who have money, a car, a sense of humor and a beautiful face, but, becoming older, they require a stable salary and gentle attitude from husband. Many Japanese women work on equal terms with men, some hold responsible posts at work, so today it is much more important not so much the ability to provide a woman with money as the ability to listen to her, keeping calm, even if she wakes up you at 2 o’clock at night. Such women appreciate gentle, caring man who always makes her smile during the meeting. Even if she is very busy, husband should be a good cook and be ready to clean the apartment. Japanese girls know that it is not desirable to marry men who ingratiate themselves with strong and bully weak (women and children), for those who like discrimination and a sense of superiority. Japanese girls know that they shouldn’t have any relationships with people who use violence, have a criminal record, or debt, with those who are experiencing a weakness for gambling, who has no job and even don’t want to find it or aren’t serious about his duties at work. Womanizers, Mother's boys (マ ザ コ ン) and lolicons (men with pedophilic character) (ロ リ コ ン) aren’t popular among Japanese girls as well. But what are they, Japanese girls, indeed? They are usually not in a hurry with the choice of a life partner and get married after 25 years, so they have time to make the right choice. Some Japanese girls like to behave themselves a bit dirty. A lot of them choose to take part in porn and think of it as the easiest way to earn money. To get pleasure and earn money, like job with constant satisfaction – what can be better? So porn sites are full of porn movies with Japanese sluts in the dirtiest scenes. Some of them behave themselves like being a bit shy of what she is doing but then when it is time for sex she cries with satisfaction. One more distinctive feature of Japanese girls is their unshaved pussies. It is believed that if Japanese girl doesn’t shave her pussy it means that she isn’t a whore but if her pussy is bald it means she agreed to play role of tart. But it is their life and their choice. 

Men who are popular among Japanese girls

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