Most girls don’t run faster than guys but Paige Hunter did and that made her compete with a local man named Danny Mannering. They both went to the same school and although he was a field star she would still beat him in a few events. This seems to challenge his ego and so he was a bit cool towards Paige. When they graduated from high school to go to college they didn’t see each other for like 3 years but then they came back and low and behold they shared the interest in marathon running. Danny was great at statewide events, while Paige, who had been studying on the west coast, took part in marathons from San Francisco to San Diego. Suddenly they were up against each other again and despite the fact they actually came first in any event they both took nice places and on a few occasions she was ahead of him. In the second year, they each entered a 26 mile marathon for charity. The night before the big race Danny and Paige decided to relax and spend a few hours at a local pub where quite a few of the runners met. He was accompanied by friends and so was she and the only problem was Dave Mollet. He was a mutual friend and started stirring the shit hoping that he could get a confrontation going between them. He succeeded and Paige walked over to Danny to whisper in his ear, “If you take place better than me tomorrow – I will have sex with you.” Everyone would like to have known what she told him but she wouldn’t tell and as sure as hell he wasn’t going either. When Paige and Danny were limbering up at the start they exchanged glances but that was all and when the mayor fired an old civil war musket they all began to run. There were like two hundred runners so it was hard for him to pick out Paige but when Danny did she was ahead of him. He had to pace himself so he didn’t want to get carried away trying to catch her and so he hoped that she would fall behind. About 3 miles away from the finish Danny caught up with Paige and she was limping and then she stopped at all. She shrugged as he passed and he shrugged back, he wasn’t going to gloat over a competitor’s failure. He was rather happy that he placed 12th and he lingered at the finishing line for a bit to see what had happened to Paige. She turned up in an official vehicle and he walked over to ask how she felt. Before he opened his mouth she asked him if he was coming to get his prize. “Oh no,” he answered, “You couldn’t help it if you got an injury.” “But promise is a promise,” Paige noticed, “You know where I live, come tomorrow night and I’ll cook you dinner.” It was difficult for Danny to deal with the fact his longtime rival, who had never said a kind word to him, was suddenly being quite nice. And this became even more enigmatic when he turned up at her place for dinner. Paige greeted him at the door in a low cut dress and welcomed him into the living-room where an awesome table was set full of candles and soft music playing in the background. During the dinner she poured his wine, asked him about his career and was quite pleasant. After desert and coffee she offered him to go into her bedroom and there he could get sex with her. His cock was already hard thinking about it but it still felt a bit uncomfortable, as though he was taking advantage of Paige. To be continued…

Paige and Danny Have Sex Marathon. Part I

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